El Centro Sector sees an increase in drug seizures

IMPERIAL, Calif.(KYMA, KECY)-U.S. Border Patrol agents with El Centro Sector compare drug seizures within the past month compared to last fiscal year.
CBP says this fiscal year to date 2020, it has seen a 93 percent increase in fentanyl and a 19 percent increase in methamphetamine seizures.
Within the last three weeks, ELC has seized 411.59 pounds of methamphetamine with an estimated street value of $772,831 and 32.48 pounds of fentanyl with an estimated street value of $891,480.
The drugs have been seized at the immigration checkpoints and along our border in Calexico. In the midst of the pandemic, Border Patrol agents continue to protect the nation from all cross-border threats including that of deadly and illicit substances.
It says the following is the total drug seizures for El Centro Sector during the FYTD 2020:
Cocaine: 50.28 lbs.
Marijuana: 107.04 lbs.
Meth: 1,641.9 lbs.
Heroin: 5.35 lbs.
Fentanyl: 60.18 lbs.
To prevent the illicit smuggling of humans, drugs, and other contraband, the U.S. Border Patrol maintains a high level of vigilance on corridors of egress away from our Nation’s borders. To report suspicious activity to the U.S. Border Patrol, contact El Centro Sector at (760) 335-5700.