YRMC says chances of locals contracting coronavirus are slim

YRMC says the flu is more of a threat than the coronavirus
YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA) - Locally, Yuma Regional Medical Center (YRMC) has been in communication with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about the coronavirus.
There's only been one reported case of the coronavirus in Arizona but the reach of the outbreak is growing each day.
YRMC says Americans are much more likely to catch the flu, a deadlier and more widespread virus than the coronavirus.
Mika Naranjo, manager of infection prevention at YRMC, said coronavirus symptoms are very much like the flu; lower respiratory symptoms, coughing, fever, body aches, etc.
The coronavirus is still fairly new and the method of transmission is being researched.
Local doctors say the chances of more Americans contracting the virus are slim, especially because the virus doesn't last on environmental surfaces.
“Most importantly what will opt people out is if they haven’t traveled to China. Or they also haven’t been exposed or around somebody who has traveled to China,” said Naranjo.
For people who are concerned about the spread of this deadly virus, there are ways to protect yourself.
A part of prevention is using a surgical mask and frequent hand washing is also highly recommended.
Even still, YRMC doesn't anticipate the virus to spread to the Yuma area.
However, there are other people in Arizona and around the nation who are being monitored after traveling to China or exhibiting symptoms.